CRP Faculty and Students to Present at ACSP Annual Conference

City of Toronto skyline at night. image / Laurent Gass Photographie, Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) will hold its Annual Conference from November 3–5, 2022, in Toronto, Ontario. After being fully virtual last year, the conference will return to an in-person format and offer more than 250 academic sessions, poster receptions, networking events, and book exhibits in the three-day span.
The focal theme of this year's conference is (Re) Shaping the Inclusive City: Engaging Indigenous and Immigrant Voices, Histories, and Lived Experiences. Historically, many individuals and groups feel left out of community conversations about space and place and, in addition, both indigenous communities and new immigrant communities fear marginalization and erasure when professional planners develop policies, projects, programs, and processes that ignore equity concerns. The ACSP Annual Conference will highlight papers and sessions that engage with this focal theme and address the histories and geographies of marginalization and inclusion.
The ACSP Alumni reception will be held on Thursday, November 3 in the York Meeting Room at the Hilton Toronto. It will include Cornell University, the University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Rutgers University, Columbia University, and New York University.
For the second year, CRP Associate Professor Jennifer Minner is serving as the Conference Chair for the ACSP (term 2021–2023). Cornell faculty, students, and alumni will be well represented across the conference's various functions, including roundtable discussions and paper presentations.
Check out our Ph.D. profiles and Faculty profiles for more information on our presenters!
CRP Scheduled Presentations
Thursday, November 3
8:30–10 a.m. |
Does Polycentric Development Reduce Regional Economic Disparities? A Multi-scale Analysis of German Regions |
Wenzheng Li, Presenting Author and Primary Author; Stephan Schmidt, Coauthor |
8:30–10 a.m. |
Environmental Justice in Energy Transition: Quantifying Racial Disparities in Air Quality using a Case Study of Clean Truck Program in New York and New Jersey |
Yeonkyeong Park, Presenting Author |
10:15–11:30 a.m. |
Social Trust and Flood Risk: The Case of Dar es Salaam |
Ryan Thomas, Presenting Author |
10:15–11:30 a.m. |
Measuring Human Subjective Momentary Sentiment in Public Spaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Using Twitter Data in Manhattan, New York City |
Eunah Jung, Presenting Author |
1:30–2:45 p.m. |
Squeezed by Time: How Mothers Perform Caregiving Trips |
Soojung Han, Presenting Author |
1:30–2:45 p.m. |
Corporate Landlords: Housing Financialization in Latin America |
Andrea Urbina-Julio, Presenting Author |
3-4:15 p.m. |
Preservation Ecology for Indigenous Learning |
Dylan Stevenson, Presenting Author |
6–7:30 p.m. |
Why India's Transport System Fails Its Women?: Gender Segregation, Surveillance, and Technology Fetishization |
Seema Singh, Presenting Author |
7:45– 9:45 p.m. |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Existing Infrastructure for Sea Level Rise for the Vulnerable Population in Norfolk, Virginia |
Gina Park, Presenting Author |
7:45– 9:45 p.m. |
Shiny Objects, Galaxies, and Bodies of Planning Theory: Diagrams of Positionality and the Field by Emerging Scholars |
Yu Wang, Lead Poster Author, Co-authors: Jennifer Minner, Courtney Bower, Natassia Bravo, Soojung Han, Laura Leddy, Yousuf Mahid, Antonio Moya-Latorre, Carlos Lopez Ortiz, Gina Yeonkyeong Park, Yating Ru, Andrea Urbina, and Zoe Zhuojun Wang |
Friday, November 4
8:15– 9:30 a.m. |
Pathways to Car Ownership for Lower-income Households in the U.S. |
Nicholas Klein, Presenting Author and Primary Author, Cornell University; Rounaq Basu, Coauthor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Mike Smart, Coauthor, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
9:45–11:15 a.m. |
How Can We Measure Better? Creating a Multidimensional Spatial Model of Food Access in Upstate New York |
Shriya Rangarajan, Presenting Author |
Saturday November 5
8–9:15 a.m. |
Can Florida's Coast Survive Its Reliance on Development? Fiscal Vulnerability and Funding Woes Under Sea Level Rise |
Linda Shi, Presenting Author, Cornell University; William Butler, Coauthor, Florida State University; Tisha Holmes, Coauthor, Florida State University; Jonathan Ignatowski, Coauthor, Town of Bolton, Vermont; Anthony Milordis, Coauthor, Cornell University; Ryan Thomas, Coauthor, Cornell University; Yousuf Mahid, Coauthor, Cornell University; Austin Aldag, Coauthor, Cornell University |
8–9:15 a.m. |
Surveying the Topology of Planning Theory Using Bibliometric Analysis |
Courtney Bower, Presenting Author |
11 a.m.–12 p.m. |
Where Did Redlining Matter? Regional Heterogeneity and the Uneven Distribution of Advantage |
Wenfei Xu, Presenting |
2–3:30 p.m. |
Mechanisms of Inclusive Urbanization in Sub-Saharan African Countries |
Yating Ru, Presenting Author and Primary Author, Cornell University, Beliyou Haile, Co-Author, International Food Policy Research Institute, John Carruthers, Co-Author, Cornell University |
2–3:30 p.m. |
Local Government Leadership and City Planning: Analyzing Convergence and Divergence |
Carlos Lopez, Presenting Author, Professor Victoria Beard, Primary Author |
3–5 p.m. |
Patterns of Demolition and the Potential of Deconstruction: Understanding the Determinants of Demolition to Inform Salvage and Deconstruction Supportive Policies in Ithaca, New York |
Jennifer Minner, Presenting Author; Shriya Rangarajan, Coauthor; Yu Wang, Coauthor; Felix Heisel, Coauthor |
5:15–6:45 p.m. |
Challenging Austerity Under the COVID-19 State |
Mildred Warner, Presenting Author; Paige Kelly, Coauthor, Cornell University; Xue Zhang, Coauthor |