Graduate Degrees in Regional Science
Regional Science is the study of socioeconomic problems with regional or spatial dimensions by means of diverse combinations of analytical and empirical research methods.
Subjects investigated by regional scientists include:
- Urban and regional development
- Urban and regional economic modeling
- Interregional systems networks
- Economic geography, regional interaction, and institutional systems
- Interregional, interindustry trade and freight movement
- The environment: systems and natural resource use
- Climate change mitigation and adaption
- Industrial location, infrastructure-based networked systems
- Transportation and migration
- Development economics
- Land use, spatial agglomeration, and segregation of activities
- Conflict management procedures and spatial data analysis
Graduates of the Cornell program in regional science are positioned for careers as educators, researchers, and policy analysts at the highest levels in national governments, academic institutions, corporations, and international organizations.
The program provides thorough instruction in spatial, interregional, and location theory within the context of economic, social, and political systems and training in the use of analytical techniques as they relate to policy and public and private decision-making.