Villa Additiva: Tower Villa

headshot of a woman with dark hair wearing a scarf and standing in front of a white wall
  • Yiyao Liu, M.Arch.II 2016
  • Hometown

    Shenzhen, China
  • Class

    ARCH 8913 Option Studio: Villa Additiva
  • Instructor

    Sasa Zivkovic

The studio focused on the individual design of a villa that could be both inhabitable and 3D printed. Tower Villa aims to explore sectional rooms and the spatial potential generated by twisting cuboids, taking advantage of the layer-crafting abilities of a 3D printer. With small-scale transformations, the towers change in both shape and orientation. The twists help with transformations and transitions in plan geometry and create vertical circulation inside the tube through the unexpected intersection of different cubes. The twisting creates greater structural strength, working in combination with tubes that act as a truss system. Different strategies of printable openings and roof support are proposed. The beneficial twisting condition can be easily achieved with a 3D printer layer-crafting system but would otherwise be difficult to obtain with more traditional construction methods.

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