Porus Olpadwala

Porus Olpadwala's professional interests are in political economy, comparative social and economic development, and urban and environmental issues. He served as AAP dean from 1998–04, Dale R. Corson professor and Dean of Hans Bethe House from 2006–10, and chair of Cornell's A. D. White Professors-at-Large program. Earlier in his career, during the 1960s, he worked in the private sector in India with Price Waterhouse and the Indian affiliate of Jardine Mathesen.

Olpadwala holds an undergraduate degree in accounting from the University of Calcutta, India, and three graduate degrees in business and in regional planning from Cornell.

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Publications (Selected)

  • "Finance and Production in the U.S., 1928–2001: Empirical Highlights," (with Yuri Mansury) in Amiya K. Bagchi and Gary A. Dymski (eds.) Capture and Exclude: Developing Economies and the Poor in Global Finance (2007)
  • "Remembering Ed Bacon," Planning, vol. 72 (2006)
  • "The Political Economy of the Built Environment," in Knox, Paul, and Peter Ozolins, (eds.) Design Professionals and the Built Environment: An Introduction, (2000)
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